Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Someone out there thinks I like the Clintons!

I didn't even vote for Bill. Either time.

I AM NOT and have never been a supporter of the establishment Democratic Party, the DCCC, or the DCLC.

Heart and soul, I am supporting the same man I voted for in the last NJ Presidential Primary: Dennis Kucinich (I guess you never saw my car!) I like Hillary about as much as I like Christy Whitman. (Less, actually. At least Governor Whitman abandoned the Bush administration.)

I also proudly support the following:

After Downing Street

Impeach the Bush Gang

Code Pink Women for Peace including Pelosi Watch

Strike '08

Yeah, yeah, I know: you say this has nothing to do with the County Clerk position.

But neither does the misinformation reported in The Herald about what I supposedly said and what it meant. Come to the debates tonight and tomorrow to hear what I'm really about in regard to the Clerk's job.