Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You Can NOT trust electronic voting machines

Watch The Trouble With Touch Screens
These are the machines Sussex County uses. Exclusively.

  • The only test performed on the ES&S iVotronic Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) touch-screen voting machines by the people who manufacture the machines in the Philippines is a "shake test" to ensure there were no loose pieces left in the machines.
  • The people who make these machines (in the Philippines) earn $2.10 to $2.50 per day and work in what amounts to a sweat shop where cats, rats, and snakes were removed from the basement by the truckload.
  • The American who was dispatched to deal with problems at the factory back in 2001 admits that the touch-scAdd Videoreens failed and "bubbled" as far back as then. But what has been done about it since?

The machines made by ES&S may not have any screws loose, but the people who think privatizing the right to vote certainly do!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Your site looks very nice and it is so informative. This is the type of place an activist would get goosebumps the moment they opened the page. Great job!
